Sunday 3 May 2015

Chicken Consommé for lunch, Lobster Bisque followed by Cold Lemon Soufflé for dinner

Consommé is a soup clear chicken soup. It is surprisingly easy to make a clear consommé using an egg white "raft" to filter out impurities. I had to be sure to start with a good chicken stock. I used on my mother's special stock with everything thrown in so I'm guessing that is why the soup was a bit more cloudy than it was meant to be. Let's play another round of "What instruments were used to make this soup". I have used: chopping boards, knives, forks and spoons, a whisk, multiple bowls of different shapes and sizes, our pressure cooker, a couple wooden spoons, ladle, muslin, sieve and bowls to serve. For what looks like a simple dish, this is a lot of equipment.
For similar recipe go to:

Taste: 7
Appearance: 8
Difficulty: 7

Lobster Bisque is made from the shells of the "lobster" (we used crayfish). It is made with; crushed lobster shells with vegetables, herbs and wine, which gives the bisque a rich colour and flavour. I reduced this even further to make an amuse-bouche and served it in Mummy and Daddy's wedding service coffee cups. I also added prawns as Granny loves prawns.
For similar recipe go to:

Taste: 10
Appearance: 10
Difficulty: 5

I thought the consommé used a lot of equipment until I started on the "Cold Lemon Soufflé". I had to: whip cream; make an Italian meringue; cook egg yolks in sugar; caramalise lemon rind and then fold it all in together. The end result tasted lovely, although the washing up was not.
For similar recipe go to:

Taste: 9.5
Appearance: 8
Difficulty: 10

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