Saturday 16 May 2015

The Final Countdown

Thank you to all my subscribers, friends and family, my mammoth cooking marathon has finally come to a close! I have completed 122 recipes, written 62 blogs, cried 50 buckets and ripped out at least half of my hair over the last 9 months! I started with macaroons and ended with escargot, lobster and crème caramel, it has been quite a journey.

I have had followers in many countries, some as far fetched as Bolivia, Russia and China, I guess this is the benefit of having been to a school with 72 different nationalities and growing up on 3 different continents. Some other viewers have been from: The USA, France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Ireland, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Kenya, Canada, Singapore, Holland and good old England. In total I have had 2340 page views and 65 subscribers.

I have one final request that would really help me complete and analyze my project. Please could you fill out this survey, it will only take 5 minutes.

I would like to say a massive final thank you to everyone who has helped me along the way: Aunty Katy for giving me the cookbook; Jay Heifetz for his advice on the photography; Ms Clucas and Ms Edwards for school guidance; my brothers for eating and giving their honest opinions for ratings and my father for assisting me with the difficult recipes. Last but certainly not least I would like to thank my mother for all her help in and out of the kitchen, for putting up with some of my meltdowns and for just being there. Thank you!

I hope you have enjoyed my journey, I know I have! I'm not a MasterChef yet, but I'm a whole lot closer than when I started!

1 comment:

  1. My baby girl, I'm so proud of you. Love you always - yes, even after the meltdowns! Mummyxx
