Tuesday 3 February 2015

Toad in the Hole followed by Pavlova

Toad in the hole is such an old fashioned English dish. We were quite surprised that the MasterChef Cookbook had the recipe in it. Apparently1970's dishes are making a come-back in the UK as people revert to classic British food with good quality ingredients cooked simply. Well this fits the bill perfectly. Cumberland sausages cooked inside yorkshire pudding mix (pancake batter)...what's not to like?! I cooked it for a 'nursery tea' for my brothers and me. It tasted delicious and if there had been any left, I would have eaten it for breakfast, lunch and dinner until it was finished! The reason for the name is because the dish looks like a toad peeping out of its hole. The dish originated from the town of Alnmouth in Northumberland, England. It is a very simple recipe and was loved by everyone (even my parents who said they shouldn't eat any)! I served it with baked beans - yum!!
For similar recipe go to:

Taste: 10
Appearance: 8
Difficulty: 4

Pavlova is a meringue based dessert named after the Russian ballet dancer Anna Pavlova. It is a meringue cake with a crisp crust and soft, light inside, usually topped with whipped cream and fruit. Because the dessert was named after a Ballerina, the white folds of whipped egg white and sugar are meant to resemble a tutu. The dessert is believed to have been created in honour of the dancer either during or after one of her tours to Australia and New Zealand in the 1920's and much controversy remains as to who actually invented the dish! Regarding the recipe, my Mother reckons, that while the cornflour lends the recipe structure, she feels it makes the meringue center taste slightly powdery and drier. Meringue can be made either with or without cornflour - which do you prefer? On the top of my pavlova I put whipped cream and a couple of chopped mangoes.

For similar recipe go to:

Taste: 8
Appearance: 8
Difficulty: 6

1 comment:

  1. Samuel, Billy and Gabriel are missing you more than ever - toad in the hole is their absolute favourite dish! And of course I never normally cook it. But now I will. I will report back,,, x
