Sunday 15 February 2015

Tea Party with Scones, Carrot & Walnut Cake and Shortbread.

As Julia Child says, "A party without cake, is just a meeting!" I agree wholeheartedly with Julia and my tea party had a delicious cake and I made some lovely English tea to have in the garden. The carrot and walnut cake worked very well with a cream cheese icing. It was nice and moist, but unfortunately there was none left, as carrot cake is everyone's favourite tea time treat!
Shortbread is a delicious side for a nice cup of tea. My grandmother always has to have a cup of tea with any food (you should hear her after an ice cream!) Delicious shortbread, crumbly and melt in the mouth, so much better than the shop bought variety.
The pronunciation of scones is the cause of much debate; are you a "scownes" (rhymes with stones) eater or do you prefer to eat "skons" (rhymes with gone). We are firmly in the "skon" (rhymes with gone) camp! However, whichever way you say it, scones are the epitome of the quintessential English tea. The next dilemma whilst having a cream tea, is whether to eat the scones Devonshire style or Cornish....does the cream go on before the jam or visa versa? apparently I would fit in well in Devon, when the rest of my family should reside in Cornwall! I was slightly disappointed with these scones, as they didn't rise as high as I had hoped and they were a bit dry.

For similar recipe go to: Carrot and Walnut Cake
For similar recipe go to: Shortbread
For similar recipe go to: Scones

Ratings: Carrot and Walnut Cake
Taste: 9
Appearance: 8
Difficulty: 7

Ratings: Shortbread
Taste: 9
Appearance: 8
Difficulty: 4

Ratings: Scones
Taste: 6
Appearance: 6
Difficulty: 5

1 comment:

  1. This all looks absolutely amazing!!! I am a little disappointed that you didn't save me any of that beautiful looking carrot cake but nonetheless, I am sure it tasted fantabulous! Loving the blog so far :D -Hayley
